
The URBIS Smart City Fair is a culmination of the exceptional innovative potential that exists in Brno. This is therefore an opportunity to present your technologies, visions and solutions, as well as promote the positive impact these will have on people’s lives and those who will make the decisions concerning […]

Urbis – Smart City Fair

Replicate project lighthouse city of Florence, together with the Cities of Valencia and London, shared different experiences about the response of the lighthouse cities to the Covid-19 and how the lighthouse projects has contributed to this response During the last Friday, May 29, the webinar ‘The Smart City response to […]

Replicate was represented by the lighthouse ...

MOVE brings together disruptors, their technology and their attitude with stakeholders across all modes and disciplines: to dialogue, to create insight and to promote collaboration. We are more expansive and multi-disciplined than any other event on the planet. Share List

MOVE 2020