#WeMoveSmart is the new social media campaign launched on occasion of the European Mobility Week (16 – 22 September 2020) by the cities involved in EU-funded smart cities projects. The goal? Inviting citizens to share pictures, videos or short stories on their sustainable way to move around.
On the occasion of the next EU Mobility Week, taking place from the 16th to the 22nd of September, 17 smart cities projects launch a virtual flash mob #WeMoveSmart to raise the issue of sustainable mobility in cities. The transport sector is one of the main causes of air pollution in urban areas and shifting to green mobility is fundamental to guarantee a good quality of life to cities’ inhabitants.
The European Mobility week, whose theme this year is “Zero-emission mobility for all”, is the perfect occasion to raise awareness on this important topic. That’s why the smart cities launch an appeal: “Show us your green way to move around. Take pictures, videos and write short stories on your urban green routes and share them on social media during the EU Mobility Week along with the hashtag #WeMoveSmart”. Feet, bike, e-vehicles, but also public transport are the many ways to reduce emissions and traffic congestions.

The 17 Smart City projects are funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme and help implement a wide variety of smart mobility solutions in more than 100 cities, in addition to working on other urban energy areas. “Cities are at the frontline of the energy transition and the push towards more sustainable urban mobility is strongly supported by the European Commission. With this campaign as part of the Mobility Week, the projects are sharing their smart solutions for cities, private industry and citizens to be inspired by,” says Jens Bartholmes, Policy Officer in the European Commission and its focal point for the large Smart City projects.
During the European Mobility Week the smart cities projects will also share cards featuring the innovative solutions that they are implementing to ensure the transition to a more sustainable future for urban transport, to reduce car-use and transport emissions. Solutions include the creation of public electric transport infrastructures, development of vehicle to grid technologies, public smart lamp post to charge electric vehicles, smart traffic prediction systems, solar-powered e-ink displays in multimodal hubs and much more.
So, what are you waiting for? Share your #WeMoveSmart pictures, videos and stories on your social media channels.
From the Replicate project we are supporting this campaign. The Replicate project is a co-financed by the H2020 programme contract number 691735 (SCC1 European Call for Smart Cities and Communities) and coordinated by Fomento San Sebastian.

Replicate project aimed to develop and validate a sustainable city business model in the lighthouse cities of San Sebastian, Florence and Bristol to improve the transition process towards a Smart City in the fields of energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and ICTs/Infrastructures, accelerating the deployment of innovative technologies, increasing the quality of life of the citizens, and influencing the replication process.
Replicate is currently facing last year of the project. Sustainable mobility actions have been deployed in the cities of San Sebastian, Florence and Bristol and are currently being monitored. These actions have contributed to promote the sustainable mobility in the cities, learn from the experiences deployed and promote replication of some of the actions. The Horizon 2020 European Lighthouse projects which launched #WeMoveSmart are:
- Atelier
- +CityxChange
- GrowSmarter
- MAtchUP
- mySMARTLife
- Sharing Cities
- SmartEnCity
- Smarter Together
- Triangulum
In addition, they were supported by the European projects ASTRABAT and DRIVEMODE, developing a new Lithium Battery for electric vehicles and integrated modular distributed drivetrain for electric and hybrid vehicles, respectively. These projects received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme. Their goal is to design and implement a number of smart urban solutions to make cities more sustainable and inclusive.
All able to remix and reuse as each organisation and communication person sees fit!