Replicate’s 8th Newsletter – Interviews (Bristol)


Newsletter Bristol Replicate 2017


  • 50,600 residents in the Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership: Largest in Bristol
  • Car Availability: 54%
  • Flats: 51%

The Bristol demonstration within REPLICATE is informed by the Mayor’s Vision and supporting Council Corporate Plan which concentrates on three main areas (People, Place and Prosperity) underpinned by cross cutting themes of addressing inequalities, active citizens and an empowered city. REPLICATE touches upon all of these priorities but particularly the priorities of Addressing Inequalities, Active Citizens, Keep Bristol Moving, Global Green Capital, and Healthy and Caring Bristol.

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Toshiba is a world leader and innovator in pioneering high technology, a diversified manufacturer and marketer of advanced electronic and electrical products and systems spanning energy systems, infrastructure systems and storage devices. Toshiba was founded in 1875, and today operates a global network of companies with approx. 130,000 employees worldwide and annual sales of 3.7 trillion yen (US$34.45billion). Toshiba’s Bristol Research & Innovation Laboratory produced a smart parking application in the REPLICATE project called ParkUs. You can read the full interview here. ParkUs, a Smart Parking Mobile Application: ParkUs is a real-time vehicle parking activity detection mobile application with the main aim to reduce car parking search time without requiring specific infrastructure. It is a cost-effective solution that is rapidly deployable and can fine tune on-the-fly. ParkUs has been tested through several trials in Bristol, UK, where it is shown how ParkUs can have a positive and significant environmental and economic impact for future city deployments.