- Lausanne is the 4th biggest city in Switzerland.
- With 142,000 inhabitants, it is the centre of an urban area with 400,000 inhabitants.
- It has a 90% rate of renewable electricity and 13% of renewable thermal energy (district heating).
- Ambition to realize the eco-district of Plaines-du-Loup according to the standard “2000 Watts society”.
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- The pilot project “Sirius” was the installation of 8 geothermal probes about 500 meters deep for heating a group of 4 buildings
- Implementation of heat pumps connected to deep geothermal probes are expected (between 500 and 800)
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- Smallest city in Europe to own a subway. A new metro line will be built for the Plaines-du-Loup district
- For many years the city has been trying to limit private cars in urban space:
- Encouraging commuters to leave their vehicle at outlying Park & Ride facilities
- Reinforcing public transport services
- Reorganizing the mobility in the north sector of the city
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- Free public Wi-Fi network is available in the busiest areas of the city centre and the lakefront. There are 53 access points
- All buildings will be connected by fiber optic end of 2017
- Good network (infrastructure) but most services are vertical and not connected with each other