Event Alert: The Replicate project will join the European Union’s Industry Day Exhibition

On February the 22nd and 23rd the Replicate project will take part in the European Union’s Industry Day exhibition , in Brussels, Belgium.

EU Industry Day 2018 - Project Replicate

The European Union’s Industry Day event is a series of conferences and exhibitions centered towards one particular goal: updating stakeholders on the Commission’s strategic approach to industrial policy and actions to further develop industrial competitiveness in Europe. It will also be a forum where stakeholders contributing to European industrial competitiveness can showcase their activities, learn from each other, discuss cross-cutting issues and develop joint visions for the future.

In order to lay a more solid foundation to a coordinated strategy, in September 2017, the European Commission launched a renewed industrial policy strategy that brings together all existing and new horizontal and sector-specific initiatives into a comprehensive strategy. It also clarifies the tasks ahead for all interested parties and outlines the forums that will allow industry and civil society to steer industrial policy actions in the future: an annual Industry Day (the first edition of which took place in February 2017) and a high-level industrial roundtable.

During the 22nd and 23rd of February, the Replicate project will participate in the exhibition. Our representative from the Lighthouse city of Bristol will be joined by San Sebastian pilot’s partner, Eurohelp Consulting, which is currently developing the Open Data and Citizen Participation services, to promote and share our project with the exhibition’s attendees.

The event will gather around 600 stakeholders representing a variety of industrial sectors, finance, research and innovation, public government and administration. The programme consists of a high-level policy part with key notes by President Juncker and Vice President Katainen; stakeholder workshops and the exhibition showcasing 20 innovative ideas, products and services.

We will keep you updated with the latest information on Twitter once the exhibition starts.