Excellence activities:
ICT Smart City Platform design and implementation.
Solar energy and application in energy efficient buildings.
Energy Efficient Buildings
The University of Florence is acting on the project with two departments:
DINFO, Department of Information Engineering and DISIT lab and research group, that successfully participated to many research, development, and innovation projects. DISIT provides an infrastructure for cloud and distributed computing
DIEF, Department of Industrial Engineering is involved with a research group that is historically based on the field of energy systems. Starting from the traditional sector of turbomachinery, in the last 10 years, the activities have been focused on the development of the technologies which use renewable resources, with a particular attention to the solar energy.
Responsibility and involvement in REPLICATE
DINFO is actively involved in the Florence pilot for Local IT Systems integrated with ICT Smart City Platform concept, Data Management, digital services development and support the engineering activity in the energy action. Also, UNIFI collaborates for new ICT model for Smart City, through the support for a development of a technological platform under Cloud Computing philosophy and open source.
DIEF is involved in the design phase of the whole process of energy refurbishment for the selected site .
Specific activities
UNIFI participates actively in Florence pilot contributing at two main tasks: ICT platform and energy. DINFO is involved in:
- developing and integrating the bigdata management solution improving Km4City ontology with REPLICATE features and data;
- developing data gathering processes for IOT solutions;
- developing Dashboard builder and specific Dashboards for City of Florence Control Room;
- collaborate in WP6 for new ICT model for Smart City, through the development of a technological platform;
- support the validation phases of the City of Florence Control Room and Smart City ICT platform;
DIEF is involved in :
- Defining the main strategy for energy action in the selected retrofitting district;
- support the engineering in the design phase of all energy efficiency intervention;
- support the dissemination/users involvement related to the energy action on buildings.