Partner info:
Derio, Spain
Excellence activities:
Energy Efficient Buildings
Tecnalia is a private, independent, non-profit applied research centre of international excellence. Legally a Foundation, Tecnalia is the leading private research and technology organisation in Spain and one of the largest in Europe employing almost 1.400 people.
The goal of the company is the transformation of knowledge into GDP, meaning wealth to improve people’s quality of life by generating business opportunities for industry. Tecnalia is committed to generate major impacts in economic terms by means of innovation and technological development addressed by business divisions covering Energy, Industry, Transportation, Construction, Health and ICT. Tecnalia has been granted over 250 patents and promoted more than 30 spin-off companies.
Responsibility and involvement in REPLICATE
Tecnalia is the technical coordinator of the project supporting all transversal project so that there is a strong linkage among all activities. But Tecnalia is also leading two main cross-cutting aspects of the project: Monitoring for the evaluation of the intervention’s performance at each pilot and the definition of common developments for the Smart City platforms that are under development in each city.
In addition to these transversal tasks Tecnalia is also developing specific interventions at pilot level in San Sebastian: In one hand by providing algorithms for the mobility’s origin/destiny matrixes. On the other by implementing the Energy Demand System that will serve the District of Urumea Riverside.
Specific activities
As Technical Coordinator, Tecnalia follows up the activities of all project leaders to assure that there is a coordination and avoid overlapping of activities. In particular regarding to information request and development of tasks. This coordination is being carried out through bi-monthly virtual meetings and at least two face to face meetings per year so that the information and work developed can be shared.
As lead partner, Tecnalia leads the definition of the monitoring system for the project. Including the city level and the project or intervention level where specific results in terms of energy savings are reported. Within this role, Tecnalia is also involved in the information exchange with other monitoring platforms at European level such as SCIS or projects like CityKeys or Espresso.
Concerning of the Smart City Platform, Tecnalia leads the definition of the common modules that can be implemented in each Platform and develops analysis that can aid the performance of the services.
Within the San Sebastian pilot, Tecnalia contributes to the mobility service by developing all the analytical work, including algorithms, for the preparation of origin/destiny matrixes out of big data generated from mobile telephone company.
Tecnalia will also implement and prepare the Energy Demand System to provide with information to consumers letting them to save by learning more efficient ways. The system will also help to operate the District Heating in a more optimal way so that there can also be energy savings not only for the company but also for consumers.