- 50,600 residents in the Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership: Largest in Bristol
- Car Availability: 54%
- Flats: 51%
The Bristol demonstration within REPLICATE is informed by the Mayor’s Vision and supporting Council Corporate Plan which concentrates on three main areas (People, Place and Prosperity) underpinned by cross cutting themes of addressing inequalities, active citizens and an empowered city. REPLICATE touches upon all of these priorities but particularly the priorities of Addressing Inequalities, Active Citizens, Keep Bristol Moving, Global Green Capital, and Healthy and Caring Bristol.
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| UWE – University of West England
They use their experience of providing high quality teaching and research with real world impact to shape higher education and research policy for the benefit of our students and business and civic partners. In the Replicate project they have been in charge of planning, coordinating and analysis tasks towards effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementations. UWE is also contributing to the Cross-Cutting analysis to suppor scale-up and replication.
Click here to read the interview.