Essen hosts Replicate´s Executive Board Meeting

On the 20th of September, the Replicate Project Executive Board Meeting took place in Essen, the Green Capital of Europe of 2017 and one of the project´s follower cities

The Replicate project team joined a successful Executive Board Meeting in Essen. The representatives from Essen hosted a whole day meeting where many aspects of the project were presented and discussed.

Working meetings, presentations and discussions about the progress of the project and next steps were showed in order to find and explain the achievements and objectives done during the project.

Not only reviewing the work developed but also sharing new ideas for future actions allow the project improve and enhance our smart city strategy for the future. Presentations such as replication plan strategies, business sectorial models or monitoring were shared among the attendance. Representatives from San Sebastian pilot, Bristol pilot and Florence pilot had the chance to introduce and discuss about their actions regarding energy efficiency, mobility and ICT infrastructures.

Representatives and workpackage leaders from ESADE, University of Exeter, SPES Consulting, Tecnalia, Technomar, Demir Energy and University of Oxford completed the presence in the project´s Executive Board.

During the meeting, the Replicate team had the chance to work closely, get conclusions and comment issues and achievements done of the project. In the process of the meeting, the Replicate Twitter account also shared some information about what was happening:

International Climate Alliance Conference

As the International Climate Alliance Conference is being celebrated from the 20th of September until the 22th of September, the Replicate project representatives took the advantage of the situation and could join and attend interesting sessions.

Furthermore, Luke Loveridge from Bristol pilot took part and showed a presentation at “Transforming Our Municipalities – Empowering citizens session” on Thursday. Colleagues from the Replicate Team supported him in the session.