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Heidelberg, Germany

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Excellence activities:


NEC Laboratories Europe focuses on software-oriented research and development of technologies to enable advanced solutions for society. In particular, innovative communication architectures and systems are developed that apply the software defined network paradigm to next generation fixed and mobile networks. Strong security technologies that provide data privacy and dependability are indispensable ingredients of future ITC solutions. Data acquisition and analytics technologies enable innovative solutions in the areas of smart transport, smart energy and sensor-enabled smart world solutions.

Responsibility and involvement in REPLICATE

NEC is involved in the Bristol Pilot and responsible for the Energy Management system.

Specific activities

NEC will be in charge of the Energy Management system – Holistic monitoring and analysis of demand and supply.  This task will provide a management system for monitoring for consumers and producers, as well as control of the energy demand for selected use cases. This will include all energy resources, like the households smart whitegoods or the electric storage, electric vehicles’ charging needs, intelligent lighting of districts, the biomass boiler and the PV installed (monitoring energy production only) on public and community buildings during the project.

The core work is focussing on the development of energy balancing algorithms to enable a demand-side-management (DSM) participation for the entire district.

Integrating the power cluster logic, the cooperative community power cluster’s energy management is implemented and deployed for different business models. It will be evaluated for integration into the smart city operation centre or energy control room solutions. While testing and evaluating various business models and control strategy concepts, evaluation of the sustainability will be investigated, for example by enforcing validation of customer assurance and satisfaction.